ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Layer: Tax Parcels (ID: 0)

Name: Tax Parcels

Display Field: PINAME1

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: Thus is a combined dataset of all layers edited and maintained with Hubbard County's "Parcel Fabric" dataset. It contains a myriad of information used by Hubbard County employees and constituents, alike.Attribute information:hubbgis_GIS_Parcels_PIN: The official, unconcatonated parcel number set to denote real property within Hubbard County.hubbgis_GIS_Parcels_Acres: The calculated acreage of tax parcels drawn within the Parcel Fabric based on polygon area.PYPYEAR: The year which taxes will be paid for the associated parcel, based on current information.PYACRES: The acreage of the given parcel during the associated payable year.PYRNGPIN: Parcel number as listed in IasWorld (Tyler), used as a primary key when appending exported IasWorld parcel information to the Parcel Fabric.PYROLTP: Payable year roll type.RP: Real PropertyPP: Personal PropertyMH: Mobile HomePINAME1: The primary property holder.PINAME2: Secondary property holderPIADRLN1: Primary property holder mailing address.PIADRLN2: Primary property holder address line 2.PICITY: Primary property holder mailing city.PISTATE: Primary property holder mailing state.PIZIPCD6:Primary property holder mailing ZIP code.PIZIPCD4: Primary property holder mailing ZIP code delivery route.DISTCD1:DISTDSC1: Property municipality/township.DISTCD2: Property school district codeDISTDSC2: Property full school district namePAADRLN1: Full property addressPACITY: Property CityPASTATE: Property statePAZIPCD6: Property mailing zip codePLPLATCD: Property delivery route zip codePLSECTN: Property sectionPLTWNSHP: Property townshipPLRANGE: Property rangePLLOT: Property lot #PLBLOCK: Property block #PTDSC: LGDSC:Property shortened legalPGALTGRP:PGDSC:Class1: Property assessment classificationClass2: Property secondary assessment classificationClass3: Property tertiary assessment classificationAVEVLA:AVEVBL:EMVTOT:LANDPROG:

Service Item Id: 228d09d00deb4103b49f1e6f80cbe8d1

Copyright Text: Hubbard County GIS, Hubbard County Environmental Services, 301 Court Ave, Park Rapids, MN 56470; Hubbard County Recorder's Office, Hubbard County Environmental Services, 301 Court Ave, Park Rapids, MN 56470; Hubbard County Assessor's Office, Hubbard County Environmental Services, 301 Court Ave, Park Rapids, MN 56470; Hubbard County Environmental Services, 301 Court Ave, Park Rapids, MN 56470;

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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